- Phone: 00905337399412 - Candaş Balta
- Mail: iyetiskin@seferihisar.bel.tr - Mayor
- Mail: cbalta@seferihisar.bel.tr - Candaş Balta
- Web: www.seferihisar.bel.tr
- Web: www.cittaslowseferihisar.org
Member of the Turkish National Network
Seferihisar is within the borders of Izmir in the Aegean Region. The oldest settlement in Seferihisar district is Teos, the city of Carians, and known to be founded in 2000 BC by the Cretans, who were fleeing from the Achaeans.
Its famous mandarin, large resources of solar, geothermal and wind power, and historical treasures are among the strong sides of Seferihisar. The reason why Seferihisar was not affected by the unplanned urbanization in Aegean and Mediterranean coasts in recent years is that it is surrounded by the archaeological sites and military areas.
Mayor - İsmail Yetişkin
Representative Cittaslow Seferihisar - Mrs. Dilan Taşdemir