40 cittaslow citizen instructors have fostered in Corea
Cittaslow Corea Network has operated certification courses for Cittaslow residents in order to foster professional Cittaslow citizen instrucutors.
So far, 40 people were appointed Cittaslow citizen instructors: 8 people from Cittaslow Jeonju, 10 people of Cittaslow Gimhae, 5 people of Cittaslow Mokpo, 6 people of Cittaslow Hadong, 6 people of Cittaslow Taean, 5 people of Cittaslow Cheongsong, Cittaslow instructors will not only conduct the enlightenment of Cittaslow as the civic pride movement but will also promote the Cittaslow instructors will not only promote the enlightenment of Cittaslow as civic movement and but will also promote the characteristic and attraction of each Cittaslow city.
They have serving as a center for disseminating the Cittaslow movement for citizens in other member towns in Corea.