Mr Beaudran's intervention about Cittaslow for Pau University
On January 29th, Mr Pierre Beaudran, Mayor of Mirande, was invited as the President of the French Cittaslow Network to the 7th meeting about slow tourism organized in the city of Pau by the Tourism students of Pau University. The question was: how can we organize tourism tomorrow including environmental, social, cultural and numeric transitions.
Mr Beaudran first presented the label Cittaslow and how Mirande practices everyday its art of living, how tourism looks like in a Cittaslow: slow discovery of the region, of its local products, of its local know how… Here tourists are not customers but hosts and conviviality is so important to have genuine exchanges.
Later, all participants could explore ideas for a new tourism in round table fruitful discussions.
Once more, our label proved that Cittaslow towns are able to make the great transitions of tomorrow!