
Cittaslow China turns the page


In Yaxi (Gaochun/Nanjing) is been founded the Cittaslow China National Coordinating Committee. The new Cittaslow China Coordinator is Wei Shibin, from Yaxi / Gaochun Goverment.

Our job sometimes is able giving us big satisfactions... It is the case of the Chinese Committee.
The first contact was in 2009 thanks to our unforgettable Angelo Vassallo, Vicepresident of Cittaslow International that has opened a direct channel with Yaxi, a rural village of  fourthy thousand inhabitants in 40 square km that are committed to cultivate organic fields and promoting Cittaslow rural tourism in the district of Gaochun, not far from Nanjing. After him our former President Gianluca Marconi and the Mayor of Pollica and actual President, Stefano Pisani, were continuing the challenge to create a network of Cittaslow in China too.

Today it is a reality and I was really emotioned assigning the Diploma of foundation: thanking the good willing by the Gaochun administration and the Yaxi citizens, today the Chinese Coordinating Committee is living. Gaochun Mayor Mr. Wu, with Mr. Wei Shibin(elected during the meeting the new Coordinator), the Cittaslow Int'l Ambassador, Mr. Wang Fan, Ms. Chen Leping and Ms. Wen Yan,  can open the foundation meeting with the Mayors of the other four certified Cittaslow: Yanyang(Meizhou), Shimenshan(Qufu), Fuli(Fuchuan) and Yuhi(Wencheng). At the well organized meeting were attended also three candidates Cittaslow, Songbai, a famous forest area in Hubei Province, Changbaishan(Jilin Province), in the Northern border with Korea, and Liangdang(Gansu Province).

The first steps of the new Committee are to create a planning for the next three years. Of course in a big country like China problems and social and economic matters are very different, Province perr Province. Cittaslow China will enter in the next into Cittaslow Int'l projects area (tourism, handicraft, education, urban planning, agriculture, etc.), is committed to use our common new web platform and web tv channel Cubik TV, to introduce for approval a professor from a Chinese University for the Scientific Committee membership, to improve the quality of the Cittaslow pattern in China and checking strongly any new certification  of candidate.

Some key-points are applying the resilient economy, the sense of limit on new local policies to stop the hemorrhage of young people in some huge territory (shrinking communities) and to work to create new opportunity of life in the country and mountain sides. One of the main aim in China, considering the specificity of culture and the administrative system, is to demonstrate to the political deciders and to the people both, the difference between the “slow life approach” and the “Cittaslow approach”, more holistic and complete, toward to the future.  Yes, because the advantage to be Cittaslow, in China clearer than in other country, is to be resistant and concretely working in the interest of the future generations: in our complicate age sustainable economy, but peace and prosperity for all too, are not illusions or rhetoric issues, but a daily  commitment.

Pier Giorgio Oliveti, Secretary General Cittaslow International