
New Network Cittaslow Spain

Spanish National Network

At the beginning of this year, the founder cities in Spain: Pals and Begur (Catalunya), Mungia and Lekeitio (Euskadi) and Rubielos de Mora (Aragón) agreed to expand the network,through a technical coordination to evaluate new additions and energize the association.
Consequently, the network has grown since then and tree municipalities have been incorporated: Balmaseda (Euskadi), Begues (Catalunya) and Morella (País Valencià).

The General Assembly was held last October, and there are new members on the Directive

* President: Mayor of Begur ( Joan Loureiro Valls)
* 1º Vice-president: Mayor of Rubielos de Mora ( Ángel Gracia Lucía)
* 2º Vice-president: Mayor of Morella: (Rhamsés Ripollés Puig)
* Secretary: Mayor of Pals (Silvia Monar i Aynier)
* Treasurer: Town councillor of Mungia ( Alaitz Erkoreka Baraiazarra)

In addition, the new members have approved a new strategy for action. Firstly, the main is to raise citizens about the real meaning of "cittaslow" in their village. This action will be carried out through a travelling exhibition where people attending will enjoy.