Mold (UK) - Planning for the future
A Town Plan for Mold is being produced which will set out a vision for the Town for the next 10 to 15 years
Over 300 local people attended two consultation events held last November to share their ideas for the future of Mold. These ideas and previous consultations and studies, including key principles identified in the Sense of Place Study, Mold Action Plan and Cittaslow goals, will form the basis of a draft Mold Town Plan. The Plan will be structured around four themes:
Creating an attractive and thriving centre
Strategy for housing growth
Enhancing open spaces and connections
Empowering communities and enhancing services
Once the draft Plan is ready Mold Town Council will organise further local consultation events so you can have your say. The final Plan is also important as it will help to inform FCC's emerging Local Development Plan (LDP).