Mariager (DK) - Cittaslow Mariager is one of 10 of the most beautiful cities to visit in Denmark.
With its beautiful coastal peninsula and quaint island communities, Denmark is undoubtedly one of the most scenic countries in Europe. We take in some of its most beautiful places from Ribe, the oldest town in Denmark, to the Danish Riviera town of Hornbæk.
Just an hour or so drive south of Aalborg is Mariager, a charming rural Danish town dating back to the early 15th century known as the 'City of Roses' for the beautiful blooming rose bushes that bedeck its picturesque cobbled streets and quaint timber frame cottages. Located on the edges of the Mariager Fjord, the town was founded in the early 15th century as fishing and ferry village and has developed into a small but vibrant modern community. Local attractions include the Mariager Salt Centre – a quirky museum dedicated to the history and impact of slat – and the Mariager-Handest Vintage Railway, which passes through the beautiful fjord landscape.