Jeonju World Slow Forum 2019 & Cittaslow Awards 2019 for Korean Cittaslow Citizens PROJECTS
Jeonju World Slow Forum 2019 & Cittaslow Awards 2019 for Korean Cittaslow Citizens PROJECTS.
Winners 2019 it are: SLOW FORUM CITTASLOW AWARDS: SALORNO/SALUTN (IT) CITTASLOW, at the presence of the Mayor, Roland Lazzeri, KOREAN CITTASLOW AWARDS: Gimhae, Seochung and Hadong Cittaslow.
In the 20th Anniversary from the foundation of Cittaslow, 16 October 1999 in Orvieto (IT).
"Once the Mayors of Cittaslow condemned the errors of the prevailing wrong development model. Today we are already witnessing the disasters due to climate change and the effects of too many unsustainable human actions. The global attention at last is on the environment and on sustainable development and it ignites the debate and puts the turbo on for the “slow future” coordinated by Prof. Bon Sohn , Coordinator of the Corean Network, and the Mayor of Jeonju, Kim Seungsu . Speakers Jacek Kostka, Vicepresident Cittaslow Int'l and Polish Coordinator, Bulent Kostem, Technical Coordinator Turkish Network, and many experts .