Greve in Chianti (I) - Cittaslow Coordinating Committee 2016
The Coordinating Committee in Greve in Chianti (I) was opened by the Cittaslow International President, Stefano Pisani, Mayor of Pollica (I), and by the Mayor of Greve, Paolo Sottani, in front of over 40 Delegates from 11 countries Italy, Poland, Germany, Turkey, France, South Korea,Belgium, USA, China, Norway, Hungary. Greve is the town of Paolo Saturnini, Honorary President of Cittaslow that in 1997-98 have conceived first Cittaslow.
In the center of attention of the Delegates the "table of projects" , launched at the last Committee in Falkoeping(S) following the indication of the Assembly 2015 in Abbiategrasso: "Cittaslow Tourism", "Cittaslow Youth policies", "Cittaslow local development", micro clusters on the network, "Cittaslow Education", "Cittaslow Agriculture", organic and sustainable atractive for new young farmers too. To this important last issue, "agriculture", it was dedicated the afternoon workshop conducted by the Greve's Mayor Sottani, the alderman Gionni Pruneti andPresident Pisani, with the special guest Mrs Maria Grazia Mammuccini, vicepresident of Navdanya International (by Vandana Shiva) and AIAB, Italian Association of organic farmers: Cittaslow is against all poisons and dangerous chemicals on agriculture.
Not last, the important new communication organization showed by thePresident Pisani and Gen. Secretary Oliveti of the two new partners about the "communication & web" of Cittaslow: Argonet and Cubik TV. "We are changing page on the crucial and strategical field of communication: we need the active contribution from all Cittaslow members and from the National Committees to improve our communication footprint in the world: the new web environment portal and the Internet Social TV, Cubik TV, are on disposal of all of us to communicate in new ways and using new advanced tools".
Local Organization and Thanking:
many thanks
- to the Greve in Chianti Municipality and Administration,
- to Alessandra Molletti, Cittaslow technical responsible in Greve
Organization by Cittaslow Int'l HQ
Gen. Secr. P.G.Oliveti
Secr. A. Graziani
Web Manager L.Filippetti