Summer/Autumn | Newsletter for members of Cittaslow Goolwa
From the President…
The end of Day Light Savings marks the end of summer and the end of the At The Wharf season. This year we held ATW at the Arthur Neighbour Reserve, as it wasn’t clear what impact the redevelopment work in the wharf precinct would have. As it turns out work is only now beginning, however the new location proved to be a good one, with a lot of space to spread out and enjoy the music food and drinks. The entire Alexandrina community benefit from the ATW and we see it as one of the key activities for Cittaslow. Like all of our activities it only happens due to the group of volunteers who put in the time and effort through-out the summer. A special thanks goes to Lauri O’Brien who has been organising the ATW for the last couple of summers. We are in discussions with Council regarding next summer’s ATW, which we hope will be back in the wharf precinct. As soon as arrangements are finalised we will let you all know. Another of our important activities is Cittaslow Corner, on the corner of Cadell St and Goolwa Terrace. It is open from Thursday to Sunday and provides the opportunity for visitors to find out about Cittaslow, to buy local products and to learn of products that reduce waste, especially single use plastic. We can’t keep the doors open without volunteers and this has been a struggle over the last few months. Please consider if you can spare a few hours, even just once a month to be at the Corner. Rose-Marie our corner co-ordinator would be happy to provide more information (see contact list at the end of this newsletter). The Wooden Boat Festival is about to return the the River Murray, this time centred in Hindmarsh Island. We will have volunteers at the merchandise marquee so drop in and say hello. Elsewhere in this newsletter you will see updates from across our activities. If you would like to get involved, please refer to the contact list on the last page. DIARY DATE! Cittaslow AGM 2023 Cittaslow members are alerted to the fact that the Cittaslow Goolwa Incorporated Annual General Meeting for the financial year 2022-2023 will be held earlier than in past years, on Thursday 26th October 2023. Please put this date in your diaries and we will be sending more details leading up to this date. As always, it is a great chance to join with other members to celebrate our achievements of the past year and thank all of the volunteers who keep the Cittaslow wheels turning. Enjoy the balmy won’t last as winter is coming! Michael Keen