Goolwa (Australia) - Tourism network developing
Tourism operators and business people in Goolwa have coalesced to develop a tourism network for the riverside region.
Following a well-attended gathering of local tourism operators, businesses and Cittaslow Goolwa members - in November 2014 - it was decided a network will be developed.
Goolwa Cittaslow president Lyn Clark said the group is in its early stages, but is looking to work with the South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) and Alexandrina Council.
Mrs Clark raised the importance of being aware of what those organisations are doing "so we can tap into it".
She said with the range of facilities in Goolwa and the local produce, the network will look to utilise what is already in the area to host events.
With the loss of Goolwa Alive from the events calendar last year, Mrs Clark said the committee would be looking at developing another event.
She identified that visitors to an area "don't just want an event, they want an experience".
The network will be part of the Southern Alexandrina Business Association, and will also work in conjunction with the Lower Lakes and Coorong Tourism and Boating Group.
"The community itself are a big resource, we welcome the community's ideas too," Mrs Clark said.
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A development meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 4, at 7.30pm in the large meeting room in the Alexandrina Council Chambers on Cadell Street, Goolwa.
All tourism operators from Goolwa, Hindmarsh Island, Currency Creek and associated regions, volunteers and businesses are invited to attend.
For more information contact Lyn on 8555 5801 or lyn@riverdolls.com.au
Source: www.victorharbortimes.com.au