
The supermarket has sales of specially marked products from the area


A big step was recently taken in Djúpivogur when Kjörbúðin started offering specially branded products from the area. This collaboration between the municipality and producers and Samkaup is in the spirit of Cittaslow, which among other things emphasizes the importance of increasing the supply of local production in the member municipalities. It is the hope of all those involved in the project that this is only the beginning and that the supply of local production will increase in the future. As a result, the relationship between producers and consumers will be greater, respect for food and its real value will increase and the origin of food will become clear to everyone.As we thank all those involved in this first phase with us, we encourage new producers and consumers to take part in starting local production for respect and respect. Together we can make a difference.

Source: https://djupivogur.is


Gauti Jóhannesson, local manager and Ásdís Heiðdal, store manager of Kjörbúðarinn in Djúpivogur
Gauti Jóhannesson, local manager and Ásdís Heiðdal, store manager of Kjörbúðarinn in Djúpivogur