Cittaslow Sunday 2015
Hartberger Herbst Genuss 2015
Data/Date: 2nd – 4th October 2015
Luogo/Venue: main square of Hartberg
Friday, 2nd October: fashion presentation, 2 pm and 5 pm
Saturday, 3nd October: in the morning - real treat market
Sunday, 4th October: harvest & vintage festival (the whole day)
As colorful as the autumn you can look forward to the event weekend from 2nd till 4th October. The main theme "Hartberger Herbst Genuss" means "Hartberger harvest pleasure" and promises big campaigns from the enterprises with real stagings, regional products at a real treat market, traditional clothes like a "Dirndl" or a "Lederhosn" and lots more. The highlight of the event is the harvest festival in the morning followed by the wine festival in the afternoon/evening.
Watch the sunrise
Data/Date: Morning of Sep. 26, 2015
Luogo/Venue: Wenfeng Pagoda
Close to the nature, enjoy life Breve descrizione attività/Brief description of activities: After the busy work, people prefer to leave the bustling city for the tranquil village. Climb up the Wenfeng Pagoda to watch the sunrise, and you will see the whole process of the sun appearing gradually from the sky. It is refreshing to breathe the fresh air, stretch the body and view the fantastic landscape in the distance.
Parent-child Activities Data/Date: Sep. 27, 2015 whole day
Luogo/Venue: Dashan Village
Care for child, enjoy family love
September 27 is the Mid-autumn Day in Chinese lunar calendar, which is the festival for family union. We organize various interactive activities for parents and children to enhance their communication and offer parents chance to care for children so as to make children feel the parents’ love and attention to them.
Event Title: Cittaslow Yeongwol Kimsatgat Slow Festival 2015
Date: September 26, 2015
Venue: Square of National Agricultural Cooperative Federation
Hours: 10:00 ~ 16:00
Main theme: Slow Happiness from Poongryu
Brief description of activities (massimo 1000 battute/max. 1000 characters):
- Exhibitions of embroidery, calligraphy, and phtos made by residents
- Performances of nongak, traditional Korean music performed by farmers, a music band of elementary schoolchildren and teachers, saxophone by residents, Yeongwol Arirag song by senior citizens, etc.
- Sampling beverage and food: herbal tea, honey, meal with cow parsnip, and noodles made of cow parsnip
- Sale of local products: grapes, honey, wild herbs and vegetables, grains, and mushrooms
Address for information and optionally web site and e-mail:
Event Title: Hamchang Silk Festival
Date: September 5~6, 2015
Venue: Hamchang Silk Theme Park in Cittaslow Sangju
Brief description of activities (massimo 1000 battute/max. 1000 characters):
- A variety of exhibitions and activities on silkworms and cocoons
- Experiencing dyeing clothes
- Master's demonstration of boudoir crafts, pottery, woodcrafts
- Good harvest prayer
- Hanbok (traditional Corean clothes) fashion show
- A seminar on the establishment and development of Hanbok Promotion Center
- Exhibition of Hanbok from Hallyu (Corean Wave) dramas (e.g. Jewel in the Palace, The Moon Embracing the Sun, A Man from Another Star, The Four Guardian Gods of the King)
Address for information and optionally web site and e-mail:
Event Title: 2015 Namyangju Slow Life Planet Joan Cittaslow Sunday
Date: October 9, 2015
Venue: Namyangju City Sports & Culture Center
Hours: 10:00~12:00
Main theme: Lectures on slow life
Brief description of activities (massimo 1000 battute/max. 1000 characters):_
- 10:00 Registrations
- 10:30 Opening & introduction of guests
- 10:40 Lecture by Paolo Satrunini, former president of Cittaslow International
- 11:10 Lecture on slow humanities by Bo-Eun Lee, cuisine expert
- 12:00 Luncheon
Address for information and optionally web site and e-mail:
Event Title: Jeonju Hanok Village Full Moon Festival
Date: September 28, 2015
Venue: Jeonju Hanok Village
Hours: 16:00 ~ 22:00
Brief description of activities (massimo 1000 battute/max. 1000 characters):
- Round 1: The opening, a parade, and a treasure hunt
- Round 2: Ganggangsulae (traditional Korean circle dance play)
- Round 3: Twelve months dance and a full moon party
- Events: Hanok Village Big Sales, Thanksgiving activities, and full moon media facades
Address for information and optionally web site and e-mail:
Wild & diversified
Dish of wild game, biodiversity, urban development
Hunting Horn concert, exhibition, lectures on urban development, biodiversity etc.
Visite de l’écluse à Poissons de la Verdonnais
Data/Date : Dimanche 27 septembre 2015
Luogo/Venue: Le Preau Orario/Hours: 10h45
Profitons des grandes marés pour découvrir l’écluse à poissons de Loix lors d’une visite exceptionnelle avec le chef d’écluse. Quatre cents ans et pas une ride.... il est vrai après un lifting complet qui aura duré plus de trois ans et requis plus de 3000 heures de soins. La vie ne fut pas toujours facile pour cette vieille dame née en 1620 qui eut à subir outre les affronts du temps et les assauts de la mer, les attaques des autorités maritimes. La Verdonnais restera «alerte» et sera mareyée jusque dans les années 60, puis à nouveau délaissée, mais jamais abandonnée. N’oubliez pas de visiter l’exposition dédiée à la restauration de l’écluse, visible à l’Office de Tourisme du 26 septembre au 15 octobre.
Office de Tourisme de Loix – Place du Marché – 17111 Loix Ile de Ré 05 46 29 07 91
Data/Date: 4 OTTOBRE 2015
Luogo/Venue: NOVELLARA
Orario/Hours: 9:00-22:00
Tematica principale/Main theme: Promozione dei prodotti del territorio a partire proprio dall'aceto balsamico tradizionale di Reggio Emilia e dalla vetrina delle Cittaslow
Breve descrizione attività/Brief description of activities (massimo 1000 battute/max. 1000 characters L'iniziativa prevede il Trofeo Acetaia S. Giacomo - corsa delle badesse: gara a premi per squadre composte da due concorrenti che dovranno spingere una botte "barrique" intorno ai giardini di Piazza Unità D'Italia; cottura mosto per produzione di aceto balsamico tradizionale reggiano; nella giornata: stands Pro Loco con dimostrazione di cucina d'altri tempi, assaggi di aceti e visite in Acetaia comunale nella Rocca dei Gonzaga; per tutta la giornata sotto i portici: mercato mensile dell'antiquariato e hobbisti. Nel cortile della Rocca Gonzaghesca e/o nella Piazza centrale del Paese verranno allestiti gli stands dedicati alla vetrina delle Cittaslow.
Cose di Altre Case - Mercatino delle pulci e del riuso
Data/Date: 27 settembre 2015
Luogo/Venue: Parco della Resistenza – Scandiano (R.E.)
Orario/Hours: dalle 7,30 alle 19,00
Mercato delle pulci che nasce dall'idea di dedicare un tempo personale a ripensare e rivedere le cose del quotidiano, dimenticate o che hanno assunto scarso valore, oggetti inutili per chi li possiede, ma pronti ad acquistare nuova vita e valore in casa d'altri. Abbigliamento, accessori moda, dischi, giocattoli, figurine. Iscrizioni entro 15/9
INFO: 0522/764273 -
Pic Nic Musicali
Data/Date: Domenica 27 Settembre 2015
Luogo/Venue: Tolfa
Trekking naturalistico in musica
Dopo il grande successo dello scorso anno, in occasione della Cittaslow Sunday, a Tolfa si terrà una nuova edizione dei Picnic Musicali. L'appuntamento è per domenica 27 settembre dalle ore 09.00.
Il Picnic musicale, così come concepito dagli organizzatori, è un evento unico nel suo genere perché unisce alla musica il trekking naturalistico, la degustazione di prodotti enogastronomici del territorio e la sensibilizzazione all'ecologia e all'ecosostenibilità
Ore 9.00 Appuntamento presso la baita in località "Comunali Macchiosi", da dove partiranno le escursioni
I partecipanti potranno scegliere fra 2 diversi sentieri che portano a Monte Piantangeli, dove, a cornice di un panorama mozzafiato, si terrà il concerto della "Fire Dixie Jazz Band":
- Tempio Etrusco / Piantangeli: sentiero facile adatto anche ai bambini
- Sentiero dei Monaci / Piantangeli: sentiero medio facile
Ore 13.00 Presso la baita si potranno degustare i migliori prodotti enogastronomici del territorio tra cui acquacotta o pasta all'amatriciana, carne alla brace, dolci tipici e vino di produttori locali
Nel pomeriggio saranno organizzati attività ludico-ricreative per adulti e bambini, inoltre i bambini potranno partecipare a laboratori musicali a cura della Scuola di musica moderna Etra, con la collaborazione della "Fire Dixie Jazz Band" e della "Vivaldixie Street Band"
Le adesioni dovranno pervenire entro giovedì 24 settembre 2015
L'evento si svolgerà nel pieno rispetto dell'ambiente attraverso risparmio energetico, utilizzo di materiale riciclabile, raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti.
A disposizione dei partecipanti, stoviglie in materiale biodegradabile; per ridurre al minimo la produzione di rifiuti è possibile portare proprie stoviglie in metallo o qualsiasi altro materiale riutilizzabile.
recapito per informazioni ed ev. web site ed indirizzo e-mail/address for information and optionally web site and e-mail:
telefono: 334.8194052 - 349.3572746 Facebook: Etra Tolfa
Vigarano Mainarda
15:00 Torneo di pallavolo
20:00 Gioco Giallo "Il medaglione rubato"
8:45 S. Messa
11:15 S. Messa
15:00 Torneo di pallavolo
17:00 S. Messa solenne con processione del quadro della Madonna del Buon Consiglio
Wandelweekend Midden-Delfland (Hiking weekend Midden-Delfland)
Data/Date: September 26 and 27
Luogo/Venue: Various locations within area Recreatieschap Midden-Delfland
Orario/Hours:September: all day
Hiking weekend on the occasion of opening junction network walksw through area of Midden-Delfland
Official start of the Midden-Delfland trail network node. There are several routes visitors can walk. There are arrangements by several bed and breakfast locations and cafes.
The nodes help visitors to plan their own trip trhough the area of Midden-Delfland. The network connects to other networks in the province of Zuid-Holland. Hereby a link to the map of the nodes in Midden-Delfland:
A printed version of this map is avaible for free from this date. Visitors can get this map on several locations, such as cafes, bed and breakfast and the town halls in the area from Midden-Delfland.
Event Title: Loving week – Cittaslow Sunday
Data/Date: Sunday September 20th
Luogo/Venue: Outside Sokndal Church
Orario/Hours: 12.30
Main theme: Local food, local products and entertainment
Sale of local cuisine and local products. Song of children's choir.
Day of Snail - an environmental expedition and an excellent play!
27.09.2015, 10.00-15.00
Increasing the knowledge and awarenesses, mainly among the youngest residents of city of Barczewo, in the idea and the benefits of “Being Cittaslow".
Barczewo’s life is slow and calm. On 27th of September, on Cittaslow Sunday, we would like to show and explain to the inhabitants the main assumptions of the Cittaslow movement. We will encourage them to take care for the environment, health, tradition and culture and develop their passions and interests. This is event for whole family. On this day we all are snails!
The main pllaned actions:
- Snail parade
- The day without a car
- An educational game for children – find the snail
- Painting snail in the parking next to the Town Hall
- Round sightseeing” of objects of culture
- Information desk of Cittaslow
- Competitions for children (eg to the disguise, plastic)
- Concert
Other additional event are still prepared.
web site:
0048 89 674 04 14
0048 89 514 83 46 w. 78
“Bart Quest - exploring the mysteries of Bartoszyce”
27.09.2015, 11.00-15.00
Exploring the mysteries of Bartoszyce area through family discover the hidden mysteries in the selected places of the city.
Questig is the way to discover places through solutions and hidden secrets. Bart Quest is a great fun for the whole family , associated with distinguishing properties of the city: stone statues, the Łyna river , the castle on the hill and the Lidzbark’s Gate etc. This is an unusual tourism with hidden secrets along with the opening of the cultural and natural heritage. This is a game that combines elements of the scout to butter me up and field games, the culmination of which is a treasure hunt. Thanks to questing you can find a way how to become a member of an exciting adventure, treasure hunter, explorer of the mysteries of our city.
Program length about: 4 hours
In mean time at the Constitution of May 3 will be held:
- performances of children from local kindergarten with the program "Autumn Note";
- a family holiday "boot sale" – children with parents will be selling used in good condition toys, clothes, small furniture, bicycles, etc. for the "penny", a fun way for families to spend time together and study the value of money;
- children play area (face painting, folding balloons, art, reading, quiz, etc.)
- stand with cotton candy, waffles, kids corner.
0048 89 762 98 03,
0048 89 762 98 80
Art competition - Biskupiec - city of a good life.
To promote and popularize the idea of a network of cities Cittaslow in the form plastic.. Increasing the awareness of the local community about the network of cities Cittaslow
The plastic competition is allocated for nursery schools and pupils of schools located in the town and the commune Biskupiec. The competition aims to promote advantages resulting from membership of Cittaslow network of cities. The competition provides prizes and exhibition of winning works in the House of Culture in Biskupiec.
0048 89 7150133
Architect of Culture
27.09.2015, 14.00-18.00
On Sunday 27th September 2015. Cultural Centre and Local Activity in Bisztynek in partnership with schools and local associations will host the initiative in the framework of Cittaslow . During this year's idea have prepared a variety of activities including Exhibition schedule and drawing Wojciech Dzieszkiewicza in the facility inactive former Church of Evangelic , urban game about ecology , presentation of the schools , associations and artistic performances teams from OKiAL and Handicraft Fair and Flea Market . Cittaslow will promote the 'Tour Radio Olsztyn " , which will hear live program from 14:00 - 18:00 on Radio Olsztyn. We cordially invite you all to participate in this special day.
Dobre Miasto
Cittaslow ‘Relax time’
27.09.2015, 12.00-18.00
On Sunday, September 27, 2015, the Dobre Miasto will stop for a while. That day the Library and Cultural Centre in collaboration with schools and associations will organize local initiative within the Cittaslow. During this year's project number of different activities are prepared, among others, urban eco game, theatrical performances - the life of a man with nature, presentation of the schools and associations, and artistic performances teams from the Library and Cultural Centre. Cittaslow will promote the 'Radio Olsztyn Tour’, with live program between 12:00 - 18:00 on Radio Olsztyn. We invite you to participate in this special day.,,
0048 89 616-15-91,
0048 609-633-455
Theatre of fire - 26.09.2015, evening
The performance based on symbols and events from the history of Goldapia.
New Goldap Quest – 27.09.2015, all day
Participants must solve a lot of historical riddles.
XXIII Goldap Cross – 19.09.2015, 10.00-15.00, Kumiecie Forest
Promotion of a good and healthy way of life. The tradition of race is dating back to 1993. 11 606 participants attended in 22 races. One of the biggest of this type event in north-west Poland.
0048 87 615 08 03, 615 06 41
Górowo Iławeckie
Sunday with snail
20.09.2015r. at 1 pm. The sqaure near residential Bema
Program includes:
- animations with a snail
- Workshops „Do snail with anything”
- Fair with works made by children
- Barbecue
- Field game („nature path”)
- Performance „DJ SEBA”
Cittaslow Sunday in Kalety
27.09.2015, 17.30-20.00
KALTUR 2015. World Tourism Day with CITTASLOW
KALTUR 2015. World Tourism Day from CITTASLOW. 17.30-19.30 II Bike ride for orientation "The track of Kalety's ironworks" This event is addressed to double teams. Players have to travel about 30 km route as soon as possible. At checkpoints players answer questions about the city. 18.00-20.00 Family city game "KALTUŚ TOURIST" 5-persons teams discover mystery of the city. 20.30-22.00 Outdoor screening of the film about tourism.
0048 34 352 76 52
Lidzbark Warmiński
Cittaslow Sunday
27.09.2015, 14.00-18.00
Active leisure in the city – reference to the World Tourism Day and the the slogan: Billion tourists – billion possibilities.
Attractions during the Cittaslow Sunday:
- Bicycle tour around Lidzbark Warmiński;
- Inauguration of the city game “Pogoń za Kopernikiem” (eng. Chasing Copernicus);
- Screening The Human Scale film;
- Promotion of the book “ Są tacy Warmiacy czyli slow life po warmińsku” by Ewa Lubińska;
- children attractions;
- handcraft fair;
- picnic;
- concert of Allside band;
0048 89 767 85 17
Vitamin Cittaslow , The snail, which likes vitamin
27.09.2015, 13.00-19.00
Event promoting a healthy lifestyle - healthy food and sports. In the plan are performances by local groups and the arts and sports, cafe with cakes and preserves. Promoting the idea of Cittaslow through competitions for children and adults. The event is dedicated especially for families.
0048 89 645 53 06
Murowana Goślina
27.09.2015, 08.30-16.00
As part of the Cittaslow Sunday will be the final edition of the marathon cycling Bike Cross GogolMTB 2015. Marathon start and finish on the sports field in Łopuchowo municipality of Murowana Goślina. There are two distances: Mini - 30 km and Mega - 60 km. ,
0048 61 8923687.
Sunday with Cittaslow , Animation for children
27.09.2015, 10.00-14.00
Cittaslow Sunday for children and adolescents. During the event there will be: workshops for children and young people and modern circus workshops, including classes juggling, juggling, fire show and playing with bubbles.
0048 89 625 07 63
Nowe Miasto Lubawskie
Baked Potato Festival
27.09.2015, 15:00-19:00
Community integration meeting with potatoes
- Festival connected with competitions, artistic performances and regional cuisine made from potatoes.
- Local band performance “PARAGON”
- Football and volleyball game for students
- Fishing potatoes with Polish Fishing Association
- Baking bread workshops
- Meeting with a nutritionist
- Paintings and photographs exhibitions
- “Do you know local cuisine?” workshop with local chefs
- Field game
Nowy Dwór Gdański
“Żuławy Wkoło”
20.09.2015, 06.00-20.00
Road cycling as an excellent way to keep fit and overcome their weaknesses.
„Żuławy Wkoło”, this cycling road race, organized by the Association of RowerOver. The idea of cycling marathon, which is named in the subtitle: "Cyclical depression," is the lack of any classification and not the emergence of the winner. Anyone who reaches the finish line, is treated like a winner and will be awarded a medal. In the edition of the 2015 host city marathon Żuławy Wkoło is the city of Nowy Dwór Gdański called "Capital of Żuławy". The mayor Jacek Michalski it opens its gates and invites participants of the marathon with the family and entourage. Start, Meta and the Office of Afore will be located in Żuławski Park Historyczny, located at ul. Kopernika 17 w Nowym Dworze Gdańskim.
The scenic route along the river, surrounded by canals and windmills is an unforgettable experience. Polish seemingly uninteresting area appears to be from a bicycle saddle position extremely attractive. Noteworthy famous arcaded houses and architecture drainage. All this creates a specificity of Żuławy Wiślane and worth living on the scenic route around. Participation is open to all regardless of sex or age applies after the pre-registration
00 48 55 247 24 01;
0048 55 247 24 04;
0048 501 656 727
0048 501 193 646
Bike ride for inhabitants of Olsztynek community and history lesson for kids
1. Snail on the bike in Olsztynek – Bike ride in the community of Olsztynek in beautiful landscape with many bike traks in Olsztynek neighborhood. In ride will participate lots of riders from Olsztynek.
2. Snail learns the history of the City – Historical event and all so quiz about the history of Olsztynek for students. Everything will be in new multimedia museum of the Olsztynek history.
0048 89 5195 477
Active Pasym
27.09.2015, 16.00-18.00
,,Children paint a snail”
Action plan:
- Photographic exhibition ,,Nature of Warmia and Mazury”
- Brass band concert
- Competition and exhibition ,,Children paint a snail”. Handing awards to the winners
- Performance by Mr Nosowicz
- Performance by Mr Abramski
0048 89 62 12 079
4 th edition of the Senior Citizens Rally
26.09.2015, 11.00-18.00
Activity - Recreation - Touring - Regionalism
“The Trail from John Paul II to Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński” it is a family event focused on seniors. Participants meet next to the John Paul II monument to set off for a several kilometers route leading to St. Joseph Sanctuary in Prudnik. There are a few rest stops on the trail located in the most attractive areas. At the finish line, which is in a forest glade near the St. Joseph Sanctuary, there is a bonfire and a free soup for all participants., ,
+0048 77 4363396,
+0048 77 4066202.
Cittaslow Sunday in Reszel
27.09.2015, all day
The actions of the ranges culture, social inclusion and promote the idea of being Cittaslow.
- Concerts,
- Cittaslow knowledge contest for residents Reszel,
- Art competitions of the Cittaslow,
- The exhibition of products of the culinary heritage,
- Exhibitions craft Reszel residents and the surrounding area.
‘Cittaslow Sunday in Ryn’ - City Game ‘Rynolandia’
27.09.2015, 10.00-18.00
- City game ‘Rynolandia’ is a combination of the popular game with RPG and with a bit of knowledge about the history, architecture and tourism values of the city Ryn. The offer is aimed at families (up to 5 people). The game will take place on Cittaslow Sunday. Game results and awards reception will take place on Sept. 28, 2014, during the celebration of Cittaslow Sunday in Ryn. The winners will receive attractive prizes.
- Open Day at the Orlik sport pitch - sports games on the pitch
- ‘Open Day Museum’ in Ryn Cultural Center
- candidate city
Cittaslow Sunday 2015
Introduction of the Ctittalow idea to citizens of Lidzbark
27.09.2015, 14.00-17.00
The aim of the fair is to honor Cittaslow organisation and to promote active leisure among local townsfolk. During the event we will present local art and craftsmanship, music bands from our area will perform. Among other activities for kids and grownups you will be able to learn about craft and art from local artists, participate in quizzes about ecology and the Cittalow idea. To name one of the activities: slowest bike ride.,,
0048 23 696 15 05