
Cittaslow Sunday 2014


Enns - The theme of the Cittàslowsunday is this year Illusion

There will be guided tours at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to the Women's Tower and the Tower of Castle Ennsegg.

1. Women's Tower

Name and Function of the tower and it's paintings

Formerly the Women's Tower was part of the Women's gate which was part of the city wall. In the 14th century in the tower was built a chapel and a hospice for pilgrims on the way of St. James by the Wallseer. In the chapel are frescoes in mixed technique from 1320 to 1360. The motives are: Passion and Resurrection of Christ, "arbor vitae" Tree of Life of Christ, chest images, St. Laurentius, St. Dorothea and St. Martha.

2. Tower of Castle Ennsegg

Defense Tower an Chapel!

Because the castle was part of the city wall they built the tower as a defense tower. In the 17th century the chapel was built into the tower. In the room are plasterwork, murals and a fascinating illusion painting in the cupola. They found the paintings in 2002. The artist is unknown but the paintings could be attributed to the painter Carpoforo Tencalla from Italy. It shows a cycle from Mother Mary and other motives. In the corners are statues in plasterwork from the 4 evangelists.

Info: http://www.tse-enns.at/termine.php?termin=1429&kat=&sec=&lang=en



Chaudfontaine - Balade gourmande de forts en forêts (Greedy walk from forts to forests (gourmet menu)

Date: 28 septembre

Venue: Source O Rama (Avenue des Thermes 78b à 4050 Chaudfontaine)

Hours: Starts from 10h30 to 13h00

A greedy walk frome one fort to the other one (on the occasion of the Centenary of the war 14-18) , discovering the natural environment.

The municipality of Chaudfontaine has an exceptional natural and historic heritage.
Indeed, Chaudfontaine is the only municipality of the Province of Liège having on its territory of two forts having defended the country in 1914. Its role in the defense of the city of Liège is not any more to be proved.
Furthermore, situated in the border of Ardenne, the territory of the municipality is widely covered by green forests and invites to get lost there to get fresh ideas.
Considering these two major elements of Chaudfontaine, Royal Tourist information office opted for articulating the second edition of its greedy stroll on the theme of Forts and Forests. The route will so bind the forts of Chaudfontaine and Embourg while proposing diverse gourmet menu.

Info: info@baladegourmandechaudfontaine.bewww.baladegourmandechaudfontaine.be



Blanquefort - «TOQUES DE RUE » - "the cooking worshop" Festival

Date: 28 september 2014

Venue: Blanquefort/ Fongravey's park

Hours: 12:00 to 18:00 p.m.

Sharing good and simple plates in the slowfood philosophy

First edition of the "Toque de rue" Festival : the pupils of the previous cooking workshop session are going to present and share good, inventive and simple home-made dishes. At this occasion, the municipality will present a new initiative : . "unusual dining experiences" : a cook from the cooking workshop will prepare a meal in an unusual and secret place, each time different in Blanquefort. The client will know the place at the last moment.

Info: http://www.ville-blanquefort.fr; nadine.faye@ville-blanquefort.fr



Date: 28th of september 2014

Venue: The beach GROUIN

Hours: 3pm

On CittaSlow Sunday, there will be social interaction at the beach Grouin in Loix. Our aim is spending a nice moment together while transforming a usually high-stress game into a relaxed round of Poker. Homemade cakes and fruit juices will be provided for free.

E-mail address: karoline.eberwein@orange.frwww.iledere-loix.com



Nördlingen - Gesundheitstag / Health day

Date: Samstag, 27. September 2014 / Saturday 27 September 2014

Venue: Marktplatz Nördlingen / Nördlingen market square

Hours 09.00 - 15.00 Uhr / 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Gesundheit / healthy living

Informationen und Beratung rund um's Thema Gesundheit, Vorsorge, Lebensqualität
Vorbeugung - Hilfe - Alter - Krankheit - Absicherung - Leben - Pflege - Fitness - Gesundheit - Wohlgefühl - Bewegung - Sport - Ernährung - Entspannung

Information and advice about health, prevention, quality of life
Care - Fitness - Health - Well-being - Movement - Sports - Nutrition - Relaxation

Info: http://veranstaltungen.toubiz.de/noerdlingen/default/event.php?idd=4316608



Amelia (TR) - Sapori del territorio. Itinerario storico-gastronomico nel Centro storico, con la collaborazione delle Pro-loco del territorio.

Flavors of the region: historic route and food in old town
Date: 28/09/2014
Venue: AMELIA (TR). Piazza Matteotti e Piazza Mazzini
Hours: dalle ore 12,00

cultura natura e storia attraverso la gastronomia tradizionale

nature, culture and history through the traditional gastronomy

Un percorso nella parte alta del Centro storico della Città, alla scoperta degli angoli più nascosti e antichi, dove è ancora vivo il culto della cucina tradizionale e il gusto dei sapori di un tempo.
A path in the upper part of the historical center of the city, to discover the idden corners and antiques, where is alive the worship of traditional cuisine and taste the flavors of the past

info: info@iat.amelia.tr.it; tel +39 0744 981453
web site: www.turismoamelia.it 

Asolo (TV) - Biblioteca Vivente - Fermati, vieni a sfogliarci!

Date: Domenica 28 settembre 2014 dalle 14 alle 18

Venue: Asolo centro storico, presso la Loggia del Capitano

Info: www.asoloreattiva.it

Borgo Val di taro (PR) - Fiera del Fungo di Borgotaro IGP

Date: Domenica 28 settembre 

Hours: dalle 9 alle 19

Venue: centro storico

info: www.sagradelfungodiborgotaro.it 

Bra (CN) - Da Cortile a Cortile

Date: 28/09/2014

Venue: BRA (Cn)

Hours: 09 - 23


Viaggio tra i cortili della città alla scoperta delle ricchezze architettoniche di Bra e dell'immenso patrimonio culinario e vinicolo di Langhe e Roero. Nella sua ventesima edizione, l'evento ripropone la possibilità di apprezzare un pranzo itinerante con protagonista la cucina tipica di questo angolo di Piemonte – dalla salsiccia di Bra ai bagn'ntl oli, dagli agnolotti della nonna "ris e coi" al gran bollito misto -, abbinata ai grandi vini di Langhe e Roero. Oltre cento i cortili storici della città aperti per l'occasione, tra spettacolo, folklore, buon cibo, arte e cultura. In tutta la città, intrattenimento, mercatino di prodotti tipici e artigianato, musei aperti e visite guidate.

Per maggiori informazioni o per partecipare all'evento, contattare l'ufficio Turismo e Manifestazioni del Comune di Bra al numero 0172.430185, su web all'indirizzo www.turismoinbra.it oppure via mail, scrivendo a infopoint@comune.bra.cn.it.

Castelnuovo Berardenga (SI) - CASTELNUOVO SLOW SUNDAY ­­­­­­­­­

Date: 5 OTTOBRE 2014




Tante iniziative all'insegna del buon vivere slow, da sempre sinonimo del chianti e di castelnuovo berardenga:

passaggio dell'eroica - manifestazione cicloturistica storica come esempio di stile di vita sostenibile e di ciclismo pulito - con ristoro in abiti d'epoca

passeggiata a piedi con il gruppo locale "trekking la bulletta" per promuovere e valorizzare il patrimonio ambientale

"menu slow" presso i ristoranti aderenti all'iniziativa, realizzato con prodotti tipici locali a km0

visita al parco di Villa Chigi, situato nel centro storico del paese: inspirato al tipo romantico, composto da un laghetto e un kaffeehaus di stile neoclassico che divide il parco al giardino all'italiana. ingresso gratuito

durante l'evento sara' distribuito materiale informativo sull'associazione citta' slow e sui concetti del vivere slow nella pratica quotidiana.

Info: UFFICIO TURISTICO 0577.351337  -www.comune.castelnuovo.si.itufficio.turistico@comune.castelnuovo.si.it 

Suvereto (LI) - Borgo dei Ragazzi ix edizione

Date: 21 settembre 2014
Venue: centro storico – Luvereto (LI)
Hours: dalle ore 10,00 alle ore 19,00

Cultura del consumo consapevole delle risorse, dei materiali e al giusto e corretto consumo alimentare.

L'iniziativa, si propone con attività di gioco, creatività, musica, gioco dei colori, attività sportive, giochi antichi, in una manifestazione speciale che vede il vecchio borgo occupato da bambini, che si appropriano di spazi trasformandoli in luogo di incontro, gioco, amicizia e serenità.
Quest'anno il tema principale è «l'arte del riuso, il riciclo, del far tesoro di tutte le risorse che abbiamo a disposizione »; ogni laboratorio dovrà diffondere al meglio la cultura del consumo consapevole delle risorse, dei materiali tra i quali il giusto consumo e utilizzo del cibo , riscoprire la possibilità di riusare gli oggetti e i materiali in un'ottica di risparmio e giusto consumo.
Ci saranno laboratori prettamente ludici e laboratori didattici, grazie alla forte collaborazione di tutti gli Enti, Associazioni e varie attività e professionalità che intenderanno collaborare all'iniziativa.

La manifestazione riscuote il patrocinio e la partecipazione della Regione Toscana e di altre istituzioni come la Provincia di Livorno, Anci Toscana, ASL6 Livorno Zona Val di Cornia, Unicef, Slow Food.

Info: www.comune.suvereto.li.it - suvereto@comune.suvereto.li.it

Castel San pietro Terme (BO) - Poetica dei materiali non nobili

Realizzazioni polimateriche dell'artista DECIO ZOFFOLI
Atelier – Via Marconi n. 3/b, ore 9.00 – 19.00 

P.zza XX Settembre, ritrovo ore 7.30 – partenza ore 9.30


XIV Memorial Daniele Gnugnoli

Gara ciclistica competitiva di Mountain Bike, organizzata dall'Ass. Sportiva Dilettantistica Leonardi Racing

Team. 38 Km sulle colline di Castel San Pietro Terme. Prova valida per il circuito Romagna Bike Cup e Gessi Calanchi Bike.

Centro Storico, dalle 8.00 alle20.00

CASTRO ANTIQUARIUM - Mostra Mercato dell'Antiquariato

QUI tutto il programma 

Tolfa - Pic nic e Tolfa Cittaslow Evening

Tolfa, domenica 28 settembre, Cittaslow Sunday 

Ore 8.30 - 17 - Pic nic musicale presso i sentieri macchiosi del "comunale" (di seguito i dettagli dell'iniziativa)

Ore 21 - Tolfa Cittaslow Evening, Teatro Claudio

Serata dedicata a Tolfa Cittaslow. Concerto omaggio a Paolo Conte nell'ambito della Biennale Martelive con Lorenzo Kruger (Nobraino) e Giacomo Toni. Consegna dei riconoscimenti "Amico di Tolfa Cittaslow 2014" alle associazioni che hanno collaborato agli eventi e alle iniziative del cartellone culturale 2014.

Dettaglio del Pic nic musicale



Borger-Odoorn - Klassiek in't Veen. Concertboerderij "Onder de Linden"

Zondag 28 september start ons dertiende concertseizoen.
Dit keer beginnen we met de opera Porgy&Bess van Gershwin uitgevoerd door jonge professionele zangers van Studio 32 uit Utrecht.

Locatie: Noorderdiep 37, 7876 CB Valthermond
Voor meer informatie: www.klassiekintveen.nl



Cittaslow Sunday in Barczewo 28.09.2014

'Family Festival Zalesie Masuria Active Spa' Festival will be held on September 28, 2014 on the premises of the Municipal Amphitheatre in Barczewo. The program includes: animation for children, Family Strange Sports Olympics with prizes, activities for children and youth, performances of artists from the Centre for the Promotion of Culture and the Municipality in Barczewo. Admission is free.

0048 694 074 172

'Bartoszyce on the way to Citta Slow' 20 – 21.09.2014 
20.09.2014 – venue: Lidzbarska Gate, time: 12.00 – 14.00 The exhibition entitled "What is it like to live in a Citta Slow - 15 years of San Gemini in Citta Slow" - Joanna Mrugalska Paci Exhibition of handicraft created by pupils of Centre for People with Special Needs by Social Welfare Center in Bartoszyce Exhibition of works of art "Snails and other wonders of nature" created by pupils of Special Care Educational Facility in Bartoszyce during the II International Open Air "Now the Bartoszyce's Locations" organized by Culture Centre in Bartoszyce and Forest Inspectorate in Bartoszyce 21.09.2014 venue: Plac Konstytucji 3 Maja, time: 10.00 – 14.00 Organic Food Fair Performances of folk bands, Competitions, Exchange of experience between the candidate town of Bartoszyce and a town with a long tradition of existence in the Citta Slow. Presentation of one of the first cities in the Citta Slow - San Gemini (Italy), including 15 years membership in the Association. Promotion of the idea of Citta Slow and promotion of a snail logo - presentations of works created during the classes in Centre for People with Special Needs and the II International Open Air "Now the Bartoszyce's Locations". Presentation of local handicraft.


Cittaslow Sunday in Bisztynek – Beauty of Warmia' 28.09.2014 
The arrangement of book exhibitions on the region, professional art exhibition titled 'Beauty of Warmia', presentation of Warmian folk costumes, stands with regional dishes, local artists' exhibition , pottery workshops.

0048 89 718-80-67, 0048 89 521 64 00

'Cittaslow Relax time in Dobre Miasto' 28.09.2014 
On Sunday, September 28, 2014, the Dobre Miasto will stop for a while. That day the Library and Cultural Centre in collaboration with schools and associations will organize local initiative within the Cittaslow. During this year's project number of different activities are prepared, among others, urban eco game, theatrical performances - the life of a man with nature, presentation of the schools and associations, and artistic performances teams from the Library and Cultural Centre. Cittaslow will promote the 'Radio Olsztyn Tour', with live program between 12:00 - 18:00 on Radio Olsztyn. We invite you to participate in this special day.

0048 89 616-15-91, 0048 695-194-921

Goldap city of good life. 21.09.2014 at 20.00 
Theatre fire and light show of a 'Flash Zone' fire theatre group from Gołdap Culture Centre based on symbols and events in the life and history of Gołdap.

0048 87 615 08 03 

'Cittaslow Sunday in Lidzbark Warmiński' 28.09.2014 
Event promoting the idea of Cittaslow, during which regional artist will present their products, local groups will performance as well as competitions concerning the Cittaslow move will be organized.

0048 89 767 85 17

In Lubawa 'Vitamins' Cittaslow' 28.09.2014 
Cittaslow Sunday in Lubawa is organised under the slogan 'Vitamins' Cittaslow'. This event combines two events held in the city at the same time, Cittaslow Sunday and School Vitamins. In the agenda there are activities planned with healthhy food, talents' review, numerous competitions, for example 'making a snail's home', lubawiaczka, culinary competition "Sweet little something" and photographs contest "Lubawa in the the lens of citizens". You will be able to do a fun souvenir photo in the photo booth and taste culinary delights in the school canteen.


Competition in Arkadiusz Gołaś Volleyball Memorial of 26-28.09.2014 
On 26-28 September 2014 in Murowana Goślina there will be the 10th edition of the prestigious event Arkadiusz Gołaś Volleyball Memorial. It will bring together four leading teams from the Polish PlusLiga. The event, which the initiator and originator is Anna Sumelka, aims to honor the memory of the tragically deceased representative Polish volleyball player, Arkadiusz Gołaś, promote Polish volleyball and to help people in need through conducted during the memorial auction. The Volleyball Memorial will be preceded by workshops for children and youth. Also the registration of potential bone marrow donors will take place, lead by Regional Blood Centre Poznań under the auspices of the Agata Mróz-Olszewska Foundation 'Drop of Life'. For the participants the 'Cittaslow Table' will be prepared with delicacies from local producers. Organizer of the event: HDK Club Board PCK "Gośliniacy" in Murowana Goślina. Admission to the match ticketed.

Dodatkowych informacji udziela: 
Biuro Komunikacji Społecznej Murowana Goślina 
0048 61 811 88 48

'Sunday with Cittaslow - Artistic Nidzica' 28.09.2014

open workshops for children, teenagers and adults, classes in drawing, painting and sculpture 

open workshops in juggling for children, adolescents and adults: learning how to walk on stilts, juggling lessons, big soap bubbles, face painting 

Open Museum Day - tours in the castle rooms, gallery, museum

Vernissage and preview of the pictues after the photo contest and a contest for the best logo of the Nidzica municipality

0048 89 625 07 63 

'Baked Potato Feast' 28.09.2014 Integrative Family Picnic propagating a healthy lifestyle in the idea of Cittaslow

Games and fun arcade for children and parents, promoting a healthy lifestyle (healthy food and physical activity), team building intergenerational population, live music, dance shows, art contest with the theme of the snail.

0048 56 472 96 35

'Kite Festival for the Cup of The Major of Nowy Dwór Gdański' 05.10.2014 
The festival takes place every year in October, when we catch autumn sunshine and a nice breeze. This is an intimate, family event where there is no shortage of smiles and fun. Participants invited to participate in various age groups (preschool, primary and secondary school), along with their parents. The event is a competition, but most important is having fun together. A condition of participation is to make flying a kite. This year the festival will be preceded by workshops in schools in Nowy Dwór that will guide the Association of School 13 in the frames of the programme House of Culture +, Local Initiatives. During the festival you will be able to 'fly' kites and learn the secrets of building a simple kite. This year, 'Kite Festival for the Cup of The Major of Nowy Dwór' will be held on October 5th in the Municipal Sports Complex in Nowy Dwór Gdański.

Żuławski Ośrodek 
Kultury w Nowym 
Dworze Gdańskim 
Monika Jastrzębska-Opitz 

In Olsztynek a snail and a concert 03.10.2014 
Celebration of the World Cittaslow Sunday will begin in Olsztynek on Friday, October, 3rd at 10:00. Children from Primary School in Olsztynek will participate in the colorful parade on the town square, where they will form an orange colored snail of Cittaslow. In the auditorium of the Gymnasium school of Polish Nobel laureates in Olsztynek at 5 pm. there will be a commemoration devoted to the idea of Cittaslow. During the ceremony students from Olsztynek branch of the District School of Music will present their talents.

0048 89 6212011 

1st Pasym MTB Championship of the Szczytno District – Pasym Bike Rally 'Catch the Orange Snail' with the event 'Say Goodbye to the Summer' 20.09.2014

Education of participants of the 'Cittaslow Sunday' in the field of environmental protection. Getting to know our richness and values. Participant of the 'Cittaslow Sunday' in Pasym are actively engaged in issues related to the environment, consisting in cleaning up the shores of Lake Kalwa and bicycle routes located in the Municipality of Pasym. Participants of the rally will have to demonstrate knowledge about the Municipality of Pasym, Cittaslow and matters relating to environmental protection and protected areas in the district. Municipal Cultural Centre will prepare the artistic part - Concert of bands: 'After Hours', 'O-key', 'Xawi' and Bartosz Abramski.

0048 89 6212011

'Prudnik Commune Harvest Festival' 21.09.2014 
Organization of the event promoting the local activity, including cultural and artistic creativity by the using of local cultural heritage and folk tradition. 1. Pageant of Harvest Festival. Sacrifice of harvest crowns on the field in front of Parish church in Łąka Prudnicka will be the starting point of Harvest Festival, than a Holly Mass conducted in the intention of the farmers will take place in the Parish church. After than a colorful pageant of harvest festival will move from Parish church to the sport field in Łąka Prudnicka. 2. Tasting of the different local meals during harvest festival. 3. Stage performances. On the stage their own skills will present: school children, kinder garden children, artistic groups from Prudnik Cultural Centre including local 'Frant' Theatre. During the concert an information about idea and Cittaslow network will be forwarded to the participants of Harvest Festival.

Prudnicki Ośrodek Kultury 48-200 Prudnik ul. Kościuszki 1 a 
0048 77 4363396, 0048 4066202 

Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Liceum 
Ogólnokształcącego im. Adama 
Mickiewicz w Prudniku, ul. 
Gimnazjalna 2, 48-200 Prudnik, biuro: Rynek – Ratusz 
0048 884093686

Cittaslow Sunday in Rejowiec Fabryczny connected to the 'Harvest Festival at Kiwerski' - 09/21/2014 

During the event, traditional dishes and drinks will be presented for tasting, prepared by the Association 'Chance'. The choir will perform traditional songs and songs in costumes of traditional court. The harvest festival will be attended by the housewives from the 'Association of Municipalities Promenade S 12'. The event will be accompanied by handicraft and artistic exhibition and folk instrumental ensemble concert. 

0048 82 5663277

Cittaslow Sunday in Reszel' 22-26.09.2014 and 28.09.2014 
Primary and Junior High School - Informational meetings about the idea of cities gathered in the Cittaslow network - lectures in classrooms art contest 'The vision of my city in 10 years' 28.09.2014r Joint action 'Day of the good life' Reszel - Biskupiec Reszelski concert prepared by two cultural centers of Reszel and Biskupiec - two neighboring cities, handicrafts bazaar and local products Knowledge contest about Cittaslow making a snail with bottle caps A trip of Reszel amateur artists group to Biskupiec Reszelski A performance of the star of the evening 'Local Product – a Treasure of Warmia, Mazury, Kujawy and Krajny' a fair which aim is to promowe traditional food products and dishes (30 exhibitors). Products will be presented for degustation. The aim is to exchange experiences in the field of culture, social inclusion and promotion of the idea of being a Cittaslow.

0048 89 755 39 00

'Cittaslow Sunday in Ryn' 28.09.2014 

City Game 'Rynolandia' City game 'Rynolandia' is a combination of the popular game with RPG and with a bit of knowledge about the history, architecture and tourism values of the city Ryn. The offer is aimed at families (up to 5 people). The game will take place on Cittaslow Sunday. Game results and awards reception will take place on Sept. 28, 2014, during the celebration of Cittaslow Sunday in Ryn. The winners will receive attractive prizes. Open Day at the Orlik sport pitch - sports games on the pitch 'Open Day Museum' in Ryn Cultural Center


Cittaslow Sunday in Barczewo 28.09.2014 'Family Festival Zalesie Masuria Active Spa'

Festival will be held on September 28, 2014 on the premises of the Municipal Amphitheatre in Barczewo. The program includes: animation for children, Family Strange Sports Olympics with prizes, activities for children and youth, performances of artists from the Centre for the Promotion of Culture and the Municipality in Barczewo. Admission is free.

0048 694 074 172



United Kingdom

Aylsham - newly formed bee garden

For Cittaslow Sunday this year Aylsham will again look to do work at the newly formed bee garden. This area near the Old Station is being turned into a natural garden attracting wildflowers and insects and especially bees.