


Laura Pernazza, Mayor of the Cittaslow di Amelia, presented the project "Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi" / "The Lands of the Green Villages", with 16 other Mayors of the Ternano, Narnese and Amerino districts.

“Slow Mayors on action”. Finally a warm and welcoming breeze for the tourists expected for next tomorrow is blowing in the south and southwest of Umbria. The new territorial marketing project financed by the tourism department of the Umbria Region qualifies the tourist offer of a large area very rich on archeology, cultural and environmental heritage, paths, food and wine, local products. New places to be discovered, on foot, by mountain bike or on horseback: it is Cittaslow Tourism. And Amelia, who has pioneered Cittaslow since 2004, has patiently and determinedly prepared and consolidated a tourist product and related services thanks to the structural collaboration between municipality, economic operators and local services, voluntary associations.

By following the values ​​and projects, Cittaslow prepares a new future to give consistency and success to the great potentialities present on site. Symbolically the location chosen for yesterday's first press conference, was the magnificent scenery of the Rio Grande basin, an urban river park near Amelia, "one of the symbolic places of scenic beauty "as the Mayor, Laura Pernazza, proudly stated. Concept also taken up by an exceptional witness, Giulio Rapetti aka Mogol, a Milanese naturalized Amerine who, thanks to the over ten-year experience in his Tenuta dei Ciclamini in Avigliano Umbro, confirmed that he would make the choice to live in Umbria. Project Le Terre dei Borghi Verdi managed by Federico Rubini, includes the innovation of digital communication tools, such as the progressive web app, a sort of hybrid between traditional portal and application, which allows geolocation, push news on the smartphone, permanent navigation on contents and itineraries along tracks gpx, etc.

Maximum innovation and maximum conservation in slow terms, concepts underlying the entire project. Positive slowness is informing the" Green Villages ": the meaning of the "Network of cities of good living" today is fully understood in times of tragic pandemic. Marketing applied with cutting-edge techniques, however, must be accompanied by organizational and operational work on the ground to create and permanently maintain green infrastructural networks, such as paths, and to increase the quality of the hospitality offer and services, taking sustainability as a priority, environmental and social. Cittaslow International provides the project with two portals for the promotion of outdoor tourism, www.cittaslowtrail.com and www.camminoslow.it. The press conference ended with an electric mountain bike ride in collaboration with @ameliabiketour for the mayors and journalists who intervened in compliance with the anti-COVID distancing rules.
