- Web: www.burgenstrasse.de
- Web: www.heilbronnerland.de
- Web: www.tg-odenwald.de
- Web: www.neckarsteig.de
Bad Wimpfen
Member of the German National Network
Area: Bad Wimpfen is located in the north of Baden-Württemberg in the beautiful countryside of the Neckar river valley between Heidelberg (56 km) and Stuttgart (67 km).
Structure: With a population of 7000, most of whom work in the nearby industrial centres of Neckarsulm and Heilbronn, Bad Wimpfen is a relatively small community steeped in tradition and history and with a good educational and leisure infrastructure.
History: Bad Wimpfen reflects upon a long history as the one-time largest fortified Staufian palace north of the Alps. Once an important Roman settlement, it is officially recognized as a spa town thanks to its natural mineral springs. The town's history is kept alive in many ways, making it attractive to tourists, many of whom enjoy taking time out with recreational strolls in town.
The municipal museums reflect the broad history of the town, which plays an essential role in the annual guild market.
Commerce: Bad Wimpfen is characterized by the Solvay chemical plant and the Friesinger Mill, one of the largest privately-run mills in Germany, as well as by the impending establishment of the German headquarters of the internationally known LIDL retail company.
Character: Apart from the fortified Staufian palace, the church, cloisters and monastery of the knights' foundation in the valley of Bad Wimpfen are also significant historical monuments which characterize the community just as much as the surrounding natural environment of the Neckar Valley and river. Hohenstadt, a particularly rural neighbourhood, rounds off the whole picture of the municipality in which large festivals such as the Valley Market, the Imperial City Festival and the Christmas Market are not just proof that the locals enjoy celebrating, but also give visitors good reason to return to Bad Wimpfen time after time. Hikers, cyclists, coach and river cruise tour parties and those seeking a romantic setting enjoy the historical atmosphere whilst strolling through the romantic, narrow plastered streets and mixing with the friendly locals. More Info.
Family-friendly: Bad Wimpfen is audited as a family-friendly community and sets equally great store by education and childcare as by the harmonious coexistence of all generations. Modern Kindergartens including the Käferle e.V. for babies and toddlers and schooling up to the excellent Hohenstaufengymnasium high school cater for all ages and abilities.
Diversity: In Bad Wimpfen there are numerous clubs and societies which go back a long time. They cultivate tradition, art, crafts and history.
Social and fair: There is a good and well-established social infrastructure. A “Lotsenpunkt” is based in the centre of town with an honorary guide caring for families with small children and assisting them in handling family life and with additional educational support. Assistance is also given to elderly people in handling their daily life. Additionally, many activities are offered by the local churches. A civic bus shuttles locals and tourists from one end of town to the other. Since 2014 Bad Wimpfen is certified as a Fair Trade Town with a “Weltladen” with fair trade products from all over the world. https://stadt.badwimpfen.de/stadtleben-wirtschaft/fairtrade-stadt.html
Sustainability: Projects have been started with healthy cooking and eating in the Kindergartens. Also very fine dining with local products is available, like the regionally sourced pork chops, Maultaschen, Kräuterlikör (herbal liqueur), Spätzle etc. in the local restaurants and famous cakes in numerous cafes. A special “tasty town” project has been started with raised herb and vegetable patches placed around the town, growing plants and herbs which can be harvested and consumed by locals. Also, there are many small local retailers selling traditional local products and handcrafted products for visitors.
The Rose and Bench Guided Tour gives visitors the chance to discover Bad Wimpfen at their leisure in the form of a relaxing stroll.
Health: Offers are provided at SRH Kliniken or in the mineral baths. Bad Wimpfen also has a large rehabilitation centre, where orthopædic, cardiological and neurological disorders are treated.
Festivals: A broad variety of cultural events and festivals with traditional character take place in Bad Wimpfen with the support of the commercial association and the local clubs. Some of the oldest markets in Germany are held in town, such as the “Talmarkt” dated back to Anno 965 or the famous romantic old German Christmas Market Anno 1487. Living History with locals and tourists is the character of the Reichstadtfest (Imperial Town Festival) or Kunstnacht (Arts Night).
Cooperation: In tourism Bad Wimpfen cooperates very closely with various organizations in the region and also with communities having a similar structure to Bad Wimpfen as a part of the Castle Route www.burgenstrasse.de and www.heilbronnerland.de and www.tg-odenwald.de and www.neckarsteig.de
Claus Brechter (Mayor)
Email: stadtverwaltung@badwimpfen.de
Selina Hörnle (PR and Culture)
Email: hoernle@badwimpfen.de
Ute Bauschert (Tourism):
Email: Bauschert@badwimpfen.de