Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee is made up of experts and scholars from various disciplines, with the role of supplying to the Association organs, broad and updated scientific and cultural information for the improvement of the activities fulfilled and cooperates for the organisational activity of the Cittaslow award.
Scientific Committee:
Giuseppe Roma
President RUR (Urban Research Istitute) / Vice President Touring Club Italiano / Prof. a.c. Università Roma 3 (Social studies and research institute - Italy) and Coordinator of Cittaslow Scientific Committee
Ariane Sept
Engineer of Urban Planning , Fredersdorf - Germany
Carlotta Fioretti
Architect of Urban Regeneration Projects, ETICity Association of Rome - Italy
Ezio Manzini
Professor of Industrial Design at the Politecnico University of Milan - Italy
Fabio Parasecoli
Professor of Food Culture at the New York University - USA
Giovanna Melandri
President of the Maxxi Foundation, Rome - Italy
Giovanni Capelli
Professor in the Scientific Sector at the Cassino University - Italy
Gert Jan Hospers
Professor of Human Geography, Planning and Environment of Radboud University - Netherlands
Hee Jung Jang
Professor in the Division of International Tourism Management and Dean of Human Resouces Development Division, Silla University of Busan - South Korea
Helmut Bott
Dean of the Faculty of Architecture at the Stuttgart University - Germany
Herbert Pfeiffer
Architect of Lüdinghausen- Germany
Huseyin Ridvan Yurtseven
Professor of Sustainable Gastronomy at the Istanbul Topkapi University-Turkey
Nan Ellin
Professor and Chair at the College of Architecture and Planning, University of Utah - USA
Krzysztof Skalski
Architect, Professor and Urban Planner at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow- Poland
Paul Knox
Professor of Urban Plans at the Virginia Tech Institute College - USA
Resmiye Alpar Atun
Professor and Vice-Chair of Architecture Faculty at the Eastern Mediterranean University of Famagusta, North Cyprus - Turkey
Stefano Sampaolo
Architect of Urban Planning and Researcher at CENSIS Institute of Rome - Italy
Ursula Von Petz
Architect of Schwerte - Germany
Vicente Guallart
Chief Architect of the city of Barcelona - Spain