
Gaochun/Yaxi (CHI) - Famous Poets Gathered in Yaxi Depicting Beauty of Cittaslow


Chinese poets' depicting beautiful scenery of Cittaslow Yaxi, organized by Xinhua News Agency Jiangsu Branch and China Poetry Association, was held in Yaxi. 15 well-known poets and writers came to Yaxi for this activity, enjoying the beautiful rural landscape and sharing profound happiness.
In this two-day activity, poets enjoyed tea-picking fun in ecological tea garden of Qiaoli Village, tasted tea surrounded by the charming scenery in Jingshan Bamboo Sea, experienced the simple farmhouse in Dashan Village, witnessed the perfect combination of modern agriculture and tourism in Wujiazui agricultural science and technology garden, wandered in Mount Youzi, the National Forest Park to embrace the nature, and listened to the sound of history in the ancient village of the Qi qiao. The poets felt a great shock to see the natural beauty of the Gaochun, the unique folk culture and well-preserved ancient sites.
They believe that poetry writing should learn from the concept of "Cittaslow culture". Only when they abandon the impetuous and quick profit, and find inspiration in slow-pace life, can they work out poems close to real life. Cittaslow is a perfect place for people to slow down and enjoy inner peace. Cittaslow can take people back to the original and best conditions of life.
"Famous Poets Gathered in Yaxi Depicting Beauty of Cittaslow" leaves Yaxi a rich literary heritage and helps Yaxi to enrich its cittaslow culture. And it will effectively increase the positive influence of cittaslowconcept in Gaochun and China at large.